Let’s get the white elephant out of the room right up front. Everything we see on the news, read in the papers and hear around the water cooler is how bad the economy is and how everyone is struggling through a recession.

However, that is just not true…at least not for everyone. For every story you hear about XYZ Company that is struggling or going out of business, I can tell you about ABC Inc. that is growing, expanding and prospering. Unfortunately, success stories just aren’t sexy. They don’t sell papers and they don’t boost ratings. But what they do is motivate and give hope to those of us that are choosing not to participate in the…a-hem…recession.

Here’s the twist: For many businesses, the economy isn’t necessarily “bad.” Rather, it’s “different!” Why? Because people and businesses are now doing business differently, and it didn’t just happen overnight. There have been several events over the past 8-10 years that have caused people to change their mindset when it comes to how they do business. The recent economy has just magnified and strengthened this mindset.

Businesses, big and small, are definitely keeping an eye on their bottom line. However, any amount of time keeping their eyes on the books is time they are taking their eyes off their customers which can be very costly. This is where we step in.

What can we do to position ourselves to prosper, and to help our customers prosper in this different economy? We can start by forgetting about what our customers can do for us, and concentrate on what we can do for our customers! They expect different things; they expect more, but not necessarily for less. They will still pay for a product or service that provides value, that improves efficiencies and that increases profits. They want more, so give them more. Give them VALUE! Give them something that someone else isn’t willing to give, that someone else is too lazy to give.

Our customers are no different than we are. If we receive value above and beyond that of any other product or service provider we buy from, we wouldn’t dream of shopping around. Likewise, our customers want to do business with us as long as we don’t give them a reason to leave, or allow someone else to give them a reason! Do not be “out-valued” by your competition. No one knows our customers better than we do - let them know that!

What about prospective customers? Well, they may require a little more work, but essentially they want the same things our existing customers want - value and a reason to do business with us.

So let’s take a look at a few general things we can do to provide value to our customers, solidify their trust and confidence in us and prosper in any economy.

1. Give, in all we do, without expectations - This is just a fundamental practice. Some call it karma, others the Law of Reciprocity. No matter what you call it, it works and it feels good doing it!

2. Provide indirect value - Our products/services have features that provide benefits. Those benefits provide value to our customers through the outcomes they realize or experience. Indirect value is anything else we provide to our customers in addition to our product or service. This could be as simple as delivering a quote rather than e-mailing it our putting a stamp on it.

3. Be a resource - Rather than just be a sales rep for your customer to call when they need to place an order, be proactive and continually look for ways that your product/service can help your customer improve efficiencies, reduce expenses/maintenance, increase profits, etc. Going a step further, who else do you know or what other product/service are you familiar with that could help your customer do the same.

4. Sell for your customer - By this I mean look for opportunities to refer business to your customers. This is the true essence of networking. If they know that you are looking out for them, it will go a long way towards keeping you on as their single-source provider.

5. Be WOW!! - Don’t be good, don’t be exceptional…be memorable and be WOW! Most of your competition is pretty good and many of them may be exceptional. We need to take exceptional to a new level, put on our creative caps and commit to doing things so over the top that our customers go out of their way to tell others about the experiences they have with us. Sometimes it doesn’t take a whole lot; you’d be surprised what little things may WOW your customers that no one else is willing to do. So what is your WOW going to be?

The specific things we do may be unique to the industries we are in, but these general guidelines will help us focus our efforts to sell our products and service differently just as our customers are doing business differently.

With everyone chiseling away at our spirit from all different angles, we have the opportunity to put on our “prosper armor” and choose to succeed. One of my favorite quotes (paraphrased) is that life is only 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond. How will you respond to the “different economy?” Will your reactions keep you in the middle of the pack? Or will your proactions position you to prosper and succeed?

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